CHINGADERAS by Yanina Orellana and Vicente de Cervantes

”Tu cuerpo lo sabe: electro-cumbia, limón y saborsón. Repasando los ingredientes de la receta de mamá María y mamá Malintzin, reconciliando tradición y expresiones contemporáneas, honrando fisicalidades mestizas y placeres agridulces” —Yanina Orellana

“CHINGADERAS” explores the complicated and intimate feelings of trauma and pleasure as they vibrate and pulse throughout our bodies and sexual legacies as “los hijos de la Chingada”. —Vicente de Cervantes

Based on the original work of Yanina Orellana's Todos somos hijos de la Chingada

Hay Muertos Que No Hacen Ruido, also known as “Vicente's Last Performance,” is a performance from April 16, 2020 that portrays the queerness of womanhood alongside the grief of motherhood.

Llorona’s story takes shape not just in Vicente's body but in the performance itself through the abuse of the male gaze that captures their body in its last movements before leaving just a shell of who they once were.

Floating and haunting, Hay muertos que no hacen ruido chills the body with it’s haunting use of Mexican house music, modern and experimental dance, and drag aesthetics to offer their own eulogy that may be inaudible, become there are some of the dead who don't make noise.